Cognitive Distortions

Post-AI Altruheuristic


Seeing things in extreme, absolute terms without considering the middle ground.


Drawing broad conclusions based on a single event or a few isolated incidents.


Catastrophizing involves imagining the worst possible outcome of a situation and assuming that it is highly likely to occur.

Mental Filter

Focusing solely on negative aspects of a situation while ignoring the positive aspects.

Disqualifying the Positive

Rejecting or downplaying positive experiences or compliments, believing they don't count or aren't genuine.

Jumping to Conclusions

Making assumptions about situations or people without sufficient evidence.

Emotional Reasoning

Believing that your emotions reflect reality.

Should Statements

Avoid using rigid "should," "must," or "ought" statements to set unrealistic expectations, which can cause guilt and frustration.


Avoiding negative labeling based on specific behaviors or making sweeping character judgments from isolated incidents is essential.


Blaming yourself for events outside of your control or assuming responsibility for things you aren't responsible for.


Holding others accountable for your emotional state or blaming them for things that aren't entirely their fault.

Fallacy of Change

Believing that you can change someone else's behavior or that others can change your emotions.

Always Being Right

Insisting on being right in every situation and refusing to consider alternative viewpoints.

Fallacy of Fairness

The belief that life should always be fair, just, or equitable, and that any instance of perceived unfairness is intolerable.

Control Fallacies

The erroneous beliefs about the extent of one's control over events and circumstances.